Data Structures

sensortoolkit’s objects, including the testing attribute objects AirSensor and ReferenceMonitor as well as the evaluation objects SensorEvaluation and PerformanceReport, each contain various data attributes (data structures).

The testing attribute objects store measurement datasets within the and attributes for sensor and reference data, respectively.

The evaluation objects SensorEvaluation and PerformanceReport construct numerous performance evaluation data structures at time of object instantiation

Below is a discussion of data structures for both testing attribute objects and evaluation objects.

More detail regarding the SensorEvaluation class, including its methods and arguments are included in the API documentation for SensorEvaluation


A reminder that the SensorEvaluation class can be instantiated with whichever name suits the user’s needs best. For illustrative purposes, instances of SensorEvaluation are referred to as Eval when referencing instance attributes (including data structures).